[副理事長] 藤本 泰文
学術論文- Fujimoto Y, Chiba H, Iwata M. (2008) "Effect of riverbed substrates on the formation of spawning male school in Japanese minnow Phoxinus lagowski,." Cybium (in press). (河川の底質環境がアブラハヤの産卵群形成におよぼす影響)
- Fujimoto Y, Kurosaka K, Ojima D, Iwata M. (2008) "Habitat Use and Shift of two Sympatric Freshwater Sculpins (Cottus pollux and C. hangiongensis) during the Spawning and Non-spawning Seasons." Journal of Freshwater Ecology (in press) (同所的に生息するカジカ小卵型とカンキョウカジカの生息場所の季節変化の比較)
- Fujimoto Y, Ouchi Y, Hakuba T, Chiba H, Iwata M. (2008) "Influence of modern irrigation, drainage system and water management on spawning migration of mud loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus C." Environ Biol Fish, 81: pp 185-194.
- 嶋田哲郎・進東健太郎・藤本泰文 (2008) "伊豆沼・内沼におけるガンカモ類の給餌へのエネルギー依存率の推定" Bird Research,4:1-8.
( "Effect of artificial feeding on waterfowl in Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma" ) - 川岸基能,藤本泰文,進東健太郎 (2008) "伊豆沼・内沼流入河川における魚類の分布様式" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,2: pp 7-10.
- 藤本泰文,川岸基能,進東健太郎 (2008) "伊豆沼・内沼集水域の魚類相:在来種と外来種の分布" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,2: pp13-25.
- 川岸基能,藤本泰文,進東健太郎 (2007) "宮城県伊豆沼・内沼集水域におけるゼニタナゴAcheilognathus typusの再確認" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,1: pp 7-10.
- 藤本泰文,川岸基能,進東健太郎 (2007) "伊豆沼・内沼集水域内のため池で確認されたブルーギルLepomis macrochirusとその流出" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,1: pp21-26.
- 藤本泰文,進東健太郎,北島淳也 (2007) "ゼニタナゴAcheilognathus typus と移入種であるタイリクバラタナゴRhodeus ocellatus の二枚貝からの浮上時期" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,1: pp 11-19.
- 進東健太郎,太田裕達,藤本泰文 (2007) "伊豆沼・内沼における2004-2006年のオオクチバス駆除結果" 伊豆沼・内沼研究報告,1: pp 65-72.
- Chiba H,Amano M,Yamada H,Fujimoto Y,Ojima D,Okuzawa K,Yamanome T,Yamamori K,Iwata M (2005) "Involvement of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in thyroxine release in three different forms of teleost fish: barfin founder, masu salmon and goldfish" Fish Physiology and Biochemistry,30: pp 267-273.
- Fujimoto Y,Iwata M (2005) "Effect of natural light conditions on the use of cover in concrete block structures by Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis" Fisheries Science,71: pp 1017-1026.
- Fujimoto Y,Chiba H,Yamada H,Iwata M (2002) "Reproductive cycle and spawning environment of the downstream fatminnow Phoxinux lagowski steindachneri." Proceedings of international commemorative symposium 70th anniversary of the Japanese society of Fisheries Science,68: pp. 417-418. (アブラハヤの生殖年周期と産卵環境)
- Yamada H,Satoh R,Ogoh M,Takaji K,Fujimoto Y,Hakuba T,Chiba H,Kambegawa A,Iwata M (2002) "Circadian changes in serum concentrations of steroids in Japanese char Salvelinus leucomaenis at the stage of final maturation" Zoological Science 19: pp891-898.